Sound Healing Sessions
Sound Healing is the application of sound to the body, generating a frequency that tunes up the whole being into a vibration of wellness and harmony.
Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as a healing power. In the ancient civilizations of India, the Orient, Africa, Europe and among the Aboriginals and Amerindians, the practice of using sound to heal and achieve balance from within has existed for many years. The Tibetans still use bells, chimes, bowls, and chanting as the foundation of their spiritual practice. In Bali, Indonesia, the echoing gamelang, gong and drum are used in ceremonies to uplift and send messages. The Australian Aboriginals and Native American shamans use vocal toning and repetitive sound vibration with instruments created from nature in a sacred ceremony to heal any imbalance of the spirit, emotions or physical being.
Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, and each object or person has a resonant frequency that is their optimal vibration. The chakras, bones and organs in the body all possess a different resonant frequency. When an organ, or other part of the body, is vibrating out of tune or non harmoniously, it is called "dis-ease". A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell and each organ create a resonance that is in harmony with the whole being. Vibrational therapy is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by blockage in the channels on some level, such as in acupuncture meridians, arteries, veins, nerves and chakras (energy centers). When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency, and thus it results in some kind of illness. By using sound and vibration, blockages that initiate in our light or etheric body can be broken up, dissolved and removed to restore the body back to a vibration of health and wellbeing.
"The Healing Experience"
A session can generally last about one hour or more, with the first session lasting slightly longer as I take some extra time to get to know you and discuss the results you expect from a treatment. It is important that an intention be set for each treatment and that we are clear before we start what you want to achieve.
After I tune in to your energy, a session will involve the healing sounds of my voice, and any combination of the sound healing instruments that I work with. Using guided imagery, I will also encourage you to make your own healing sounds, that assist you in moving and clearing away any energy that no longer serves you. Healing with sound is a joint experience between the patient and the therapist and your comfort and trust in the process is of the utmost importance to me. I will be working with you to make sure your session is tailored specifically to your needs.
At Powwow Lodge you can come and enjoy a sound bath massage; Surrounded with many bowls and healing instruments from around the world, you will experience being bathed in a symphony of exquisite healing sounds. This is an amazing and wonderful experience and offers a great introduction to working with the power of sound as a healing tool.
While you can expect results after one session, it generally takes more than one or two sessions to affect lasting change. My ultimate goal is to teach you how to use sound yourself to improve your life on a daily basis.
The cost of a session is $75.00
For an appointment to book your session, you can contact me by email or call (661)242-1779
I am also available for group sessions upon request.
Healing blessings,
Labels: Sound Healing